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Download pdf V.Syrový, Using of Pulse Interferometry on Musical Instruments Dantec Dynamics, Proceedings of the 12th International User Meeting, Ulm 2005, kap. 7 RIV/61384984:51110/05:000000xx
J.Štěpánek, V.Syrový, Z.Otčenášek, C.Taesch. J. Angster, Spectral features influencing perception of pipe organ sounds Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2005, Budapest 2005, str.465-469 RIV/61384984:51110/05:000000xx

O.Moravec, J.Štěpánek, Relations among Verbal Attributes Describing Musical Sound Timbre in Czech Language Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2005, Budapest 2005, str.465-469 RIV/61384984:51110/05:000000xx
J.Štěpánek, Psychoacoustic experiment in the research of musical sound timbre Proceedings of the 16th Conference ESSP 2005, Praha 2005, str.21 RIV/61384984:51110/05:000000xx
J.Štěpánek, Interpretation and comparison of perceptual spaces Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2005, Rio de Janeiro 2005, CD-ROM, \papers\doc_1627.pdf RIV/61384984:51110/05:000000xx
V.Syrový, P.Dlask, Some methodical "revision" remarks on measurements of air column oscillations Proceedings of EEA Workshop "The Future of Wind Instruments", (ISBN 3-90091406-0), Vienna 2005, DVD RIV/61384984:51110/05:000000xx

Z.Otčenášek, Recording and reproduction of musical stimuli for psycho-acoustic listening test Proceedings of EEA Workshop "The Future of Wind Instruments", (ISBN 3-90091406-0), Vienna 2005, DVD RIV/61384984:51110/05:000000xx

V.Syrový, Objektivní a subjektivní interpretace neharmonicit kmitů hudebních nástrojů Proceedings of the 1th International Symposium Material - Acoustics - Place 2005 (ISBN 80-228-1505-5), Zvolen 2005, str.109-115 RIV/61384984:51110/05:000000xx
O.Moravec, J.Štěpánek, Verbal Descriptions of Musical Sound Timbre and Musician's Opinion of their Usage Proceedings of 31. DAGA, München 2005, str.233-234 RIV/61384984:51110/05:000000xx

Z.Otčenášek, J.Štěpánek, C.Taesch Spectra of the steady state C tones of the Principal 8' of European pipe organs Proceedings of 31. DAGA, München 2005, str.231-232 RIV/61384984:51110/05:000000xx
J.Štěpánek, Psychoakustický výzkum barvy hudebního zvuku Sborník 78. Akustický seminář ÈsAS (ISBN 80-01-03253-1), Opočno 2005, str. 147-157 RIV/61384984:51110/05:000000xx
J.Štěpánek, O.Moravec, Slovní popis barvy hudebního zvuku: I. Percepční prostory slovních atributů Proceedings of the 1th International Symposium Material - Acoustics - Place 2005 (ISBN 80-228-1505-5), Zvolen 2005, str.77-82 RIV/61384984:51110/05:000000xx

O.Moravec, J.Štěpánek, Slovní popis barvy hudebního zvuku: II. Vhodnost použití slovních atributů Proceedings of the 1th International Symposium Material - Acoustics - Place 2005 (ISBN 80-228-1505-5), Zvolen 2005, str.47-50 RIV/61384984:51110/05:000000xx
J.Štěpánek, Z.Otčenášek, Acoustical correlates of the main features of violin timbre perception CIM05 Montréal 2005, Québec, Canada, Electronic proceedings, file: STEPANEK_J_CIM05_01.pdf RIV/61384984:51110/05:000000xx
J.Štěpánek, O.Moravec, Verbal description of musical sound timbre in Czech language and its relation to musicians profession and performance quality CIM05 Montréal 2005, Québec, Canada, Electronic proceedings, file: STEPANEK_J_CIM05_02.pdf RIV/61384984:51110/05:000000xx
V.Syrový, Příčiny a důsledky neharmonicit spekter hudebních tónů Sborník 78. Akustický semináø ÈsAS (ISBN 80-01-03253-1), Opočno 2005, str.139-146 RIV/61384984:51110/05:000000xx

J.Štěpánek, O.Moravec, Barva hudebního zvuku a její slovní popis (ISBN 80-7331-031-7), AMU, Praha 2005 RIV/61384984:51110/05:000000xx

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